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ETS® Data Manager

On-demand, secure access to GRE® and TOEFL® scores and test-taker data

Select an option below for more information.


Automated Server-to-Server Data Feeds

With automated server-to-server data feeds, your institution has the ability to download test-taker scores directly from an ETS server.

These data feeds are comparable to the current Electronic Score Reporting "automated" process requiring PGP encryption through the Scorelink® service. But with the data feeds, you can access score data without purchasing third-party encryption software. You just need to establish a username and password that will allow your institution to retrieve the data via a script.

The scores are transmitted through a scripted scheduled job, and require an understanding of programming language such as JAVATM, Perl, PHP or .NET. The scripted job will pull the scores from an ETS server automatically, allowing your institution to populate the scores in your system. The service requires a one-time technical setup by your institution's IT or technology staff.

Request access

To request automated server-to-server score feeds, or if you have any questions about this service, email with the following information:

  • GRE® or TOEFL® testing program
  • institution name and code number
  • technical contact name, title, phone, email
  • primary score user contact name, title, phone, email
  • name and contact information of the Graduate Dean, Director of Undergraduate Admissions or other primary contact within the institution or agency who can validate your organization's request to establish this automated process

Once approved, your technical contact will receive instructions on how to set up the script to run the server-to-server feed, as well as a service account username and password to include in the script. 

This service account username and password is separate from the username and password for individuals to access scores online through the ETS® Data Manager.

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